tunisia constituent assembly election results

Elections Are Over, Now Comes the Hard Part - Tunisia Live.
Tunisia Election: Tunisia goes to the polls to elect a constitutional.
Plethora of parties stand for Tunisia's new Constituent Assembly - RFI.
Tunisia Elections: Problem in negotiations for the Constituent.
Tunisia's constituent assembly will discuss candidates for the country's Independent Board of Elections (ISIE) this Thursday through Saturday, while addressing.
Oct 23, 2011. elections in decades, as Tunisians pick a constituent assembly.. The European Union hailed Tunisia's elections and vowed support for the.
Oct 21, 2011. The Carter Center will observe the Oct. 23 vote in Tunisia - the first Arab Spring country to hold elections - for a constituent assembly to draft a.
Sep 4, 2011. The Union of Tunisian Workers (UTT), decided yesterday, September 3rd, not to run in the Constituent Assembly Elections, stating that it will.
MEPI Partners with Local Organizations to Prepare Tunisia for the.
Union of Tunisian Workers Decides Not to Run in Constituent.
Oct 23, 2011. Tunisia Election: Tunisia goes to the polls to elect a constitutional assembly.. are leading the polls in this North African nation's first elections today.. they prepare to vote for the first genuine assembly in the country's history.
Nov 10, 2011. As Tunisians await final poll results, The Elders wish to congratulate the Tunisian people on the successful Constituent Assembly elections of.
IPU PARLINE database on national parliaments: TUNISIA (Al-Majlis Al-watani. The October 2011 elections to the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) were.

Oct 17, 2011. The Turkish government has said that it intends to join the European Union mission to monitor the Constituent Assembly elections in Tunisia.
Turkey to monitor Constituent Assembly elections in Tunisia as part.
tunisia constituent assembly election results
Tunisia to elect 'constituent team' - Africa - Al Jazeera English.
Template:Tunisian Constituent Assembly election, 2011 (per constituency). 23 October 2011 Tunisian Constituent Assembly election result per constituency.
In July 2011, The Carter Center deployed a team of international election observers to Tunisia in advance of the Constituent Assembly elections that were held.
Mar 4, 2011. Tunisia will hold an election on July 24 to choose a constituent assembly that will . of a national constituent assembly that will develop a new constitution.. after the revolution" and was "an obstacle to transparent elections".
Mar 13, 2012. In October of this past year, Tunisian voters elected a 217-member. The October 23rd Constituent Assembly elections followed an ad hoc.
Oct 17, 2011. Washington, DC − IRI today announced its delegation which will observe Tunisia's October 23 constituent assembly elections. Representatives.
Oct 23, 2011. They are electing a Constituent Assembly that will draw up a new constitution and. Campaigning opens ahead of historic Tunisian elections.
The election of a Constitutional Assembly took place on 23 October, 2011.. 14 November 2011: The Tunisian Independent High Authority for the Elections.